It’s getting to that time of year where every little bit helps no matter what we are talking about. When it comes to doing things that make you happy, I know that you are pushing yourself to be your best and to give your all even though you are tired.
It is no secret that forming healthy habits is one of the secrets to success when it comes not only to training and diet but when applied to anything in which you want to succeed. Its times like these when our habits will make or break us.
The 10 habits that I have formed and practice daily get me through the worst days. So I thought I would share with you my top ten, and if they help you in any way that will be great!
10 Habits to stay on track
Skincare routine
Even if you only have 5 minutes, the mere practice of washing your face, toning and moisturizing puts you in a mainframe of self-awareness. I always make time for a face wash, tone, serum, sun block, and tinted moisturizer. Not even 5 minutes!
Take your vitamins
Again, any kind of structure will keep you in a positive mindset. Set them out the night before so that you can down them in 2 secs. I take a 1000mg vitamin C and probiotic every morning.
Write or read your to do list for the day
So that you can prioritize in your head and also manage your expectations for the day ahead. I constantly have one written down in my notes, so I check that together with checking my diary for the day to make sure there is nothing I have forgotten.
Wear your confidence!
I find that if I put on a workout outfit that is one of my best or a going out or work outfit that I love my mood is instantly better and I feel on top of things. I always have my outfit put out from the night before.
Pack or plan my day of eating where possible
I have my meal prep routine down to a fine art, so I usually pack breakfast and lunch and always have a snack on hand too.
Touch base with at least one close friend a day
This is to brighten the mood and stay grounded. A quick call, cup of coffee or cheeky voice note always works!
Drink water!
I have a 1.5L water bottle with me at all times, sometimes I have my BCAA’s (branched chain amino acids), other times I squeeze some lemon juice and lastly just good old H20.
Tune out when you get home from work
When I get home from work at the end of the day I always have either water or a rooibos tea. This just helps me to separate myself momentarily from the day and tune out. Try to have some kind of routine or habit that you can form when you get home, so that you aren’t rushing for that glass of wine or snack when you don’t really need it.
I cycle between audible, Kindle and reading an actual book. Any one of these you can do even if its for 10 mins a day, just before bed. Reading inspires me and helps me stay creative.
Meal prep
Now as much as ideally you want to believe you only have to do this once or twice a week, little things you can do daily will always help. So as much as it may not be EVERY DAY, knowing whats in your pantry and fridge is useful to help you stay on top of your nutrition!!!
I hope that those have helped you with ideas to form your own healthy habits that will help you stay focused towards your own goals. Remember that the more you do them the easier they can become integrated into your everyday life.